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Council President Mary Sheffied at podium



My goals for Detroit are showcased through a few key foundations that, when elected, will benefit all Detroiters.

Together We Can
Make Detroit Safer

Together We Will

-Address the root causes of violence and crime -Establish permanent funding for community-based violence intervention programs -Enhance community policing -Create an office for Gun Violence Prevention -Pursue non-traditional methods of addressing trauma and mental illness -Treat gun violence as a public health crisis

Together We Can
Rebuild Our Neighborhoods

Together We Will

-Invest in infill housing -Increase home repair and 0% interest home loan funding -Expand beautification funding for block clubs and neighborhood associations -Continue the elimination of blight -Creating walkable thriving communities

Together We Can
Make Homeownership a Reality for More Detroiters

Together We Will

-Expand the Detroit Down Payment Assistance program -Incentivize the development of affordable housing in projects with tax abatements -Continue to invest in Detroit’s Housing Trust Fund

Together We Can
Create Generational Wealth for Detroiters

Together We Will

-Support and encourage Detroit’s entrepreneurs -Prevent foreclosures and keeping homeowners in their homes -Lower property taxes for residents -Utilize City funding to hire and contract with Detroiters

Together We Can
Empower & Grow Small Businesses

Together We Will

-Increase access to capital -Prioritize Detroit Headquartered and Detroit-based businesses through the City’s procurement process -Expedite the permitting process for new and existing businesses -Leverage public-private partnerships to help Detroit businesses thrive.

Together We Can
Invest in Our Workforce

Together We Will

-Invest in adult education -Provide pathways for successful reintegration of our returning citizens -Partner with emerging industries to help our residents acquire the requisite skillsets for the jobs of the future -Require the training and hiring of Detroiters through City-funded contracts.

Together We Can
Achieve Real Property Tax Reform

Together We Will

-Seek to eliminate and find alternative funding for the nearly 19.9 operating mils Detroiters and business pay -Create alternative methods of assessing property which does not burden property owners -Help prevent blight -Spur development and investment -Institute an entertainment tax -Increase hotel taxes in line with other major cities to help offset the revenue loss from the lowering of property taxes.

Together We Can
Empower & Inspire the Next Generation of Leaders

Together We Will

-Reduce school absenteeism -Increase access to post-secondary education -Create mentoring and real-world learning opportunities for our young people through internship -Spur more investment in universal Pre-K and K-12 education -Help young Detroiters with alternatives like obtaining a skilled trade -Cultivate the innovation and creativity of young people by assisting with the pursuit of entrepreneurial opportunities.


together we will


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©2024 by Mary Sheffield for Detroit's Future

Site by AVIMA Design


Paid for by Mary Sheffield for Detroit's Future

3127 Woodstock Drive Detroit, MI 48221

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